Monday, December 22, 2008

Ash trying to Explain Christmas

My sweet at times daughter who LOVES to watch TV started saying "Oh my God" All the time! I was really embarrassed and tried my best to explain why we do not use that word. It was a little hard for her to understand since they say it all the time on her favorite show on the disney chanel. What do you do? I decided I needed to start taking her to church. I used to go as a kid and loved it. As I got older I got out of the habit, No more slaking! I have been a huge slacker at times in my life and this year I decided to make a change! Every new year I try to set a few realistic at the time goals. So we have been going to church this year pretty faithfully. Every Sunday I ask Ashlyn what she learned in Sunday school and she tells me her interpretation of the bible story they talked about. A few weeks ago she was telling me about Christmas and about how it is also "that guys birthday". She went on and on really excited about what she was saying, I was starting to get confused, "Ash, slow down..Who's birthday is it?" Now she is a lot louder "you know That guy, Jesus". She had the story right, but to refer to Jesus as "that guy" and so loud as we were still in church, all I can do is shake my head and run out of there fast! I still hear about it. A lady approached me on Sunday and said it was really cute, "hahaha,that guys birthday", I might think it was cute if someone else's child would have said it. Maybe I'm still a little too embarrassed....

We had our Christmas program on Sunday Ian had 6 lines and he totally had them memorized, he did so good! Ashlyn was an angel and had a bit of stage fright, all she did was shake her head no when it was her turn. It was still pretty cute. A funny story, They had their rehearsal on Saturday, they had 3 Angels all about 4 ish. The one little girl had on her wings and halo on for at the most 5 minutes. When it was their turn, this little girl screams "I don't want to be an angel, I want to be a chicken!" then walks around squawking like a chicken! I couldn't help but laugh. She didn't do it on Sunday, I think her dad talked her out of it:)


Leslie said...

I loved those stories. Made me giggle. Kids sure can say funny things sometimes.

Emily Snow said...

Great story. Kids add so much humor to life!