Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tooo many emotions

Ashlyn has been such a whiney girl it is driving me nuts! Last night we were at soccer practice and she started crying olny about 10 times. Not a little whine but full out crying, with big aligator tears and runny nose and all for nothing. She was just having an emotional evening. I was really insensitive and couldnt help but laugh, but I thought girls acted like this when they get older and actually have to deal with issues in life. Maybe not? Maybe we are born with the just need to cry gene? Sccer practice was only an hour, that is all I could stand really, and that was it! Not a single tear the rest of the night!

1 comment:

Emily Snow said...

Since Thomas has started going to school all day he has lots of rough afternoons and evenings. Lots of tears and breakdowns. This is part of "being a mom" that definitely isn't fun!